Thursday, September 17, 2015

My Grandparents

The world lost an amazing man, husband (71 years married), father (of 7), grandfather (24 grandchildren, 25 great grandchildren, 3 step grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren),  and friend this week.  I was so lucky to call this man my grandfather.  I saw him 8 weeks ago and he was so interested in knowing where my son was playing soccer at that moment and thanked me for telling him.  The day of death was 1 month before his 96th birthday.  Up to and including last summer he played golf and still managed to do a lot around the yard.  He was an awesome athlete and even played street hockey with my son and niece and nephew a couple years ago.  Those are some of the amazing memories I will hold of him over the years to come.  The ones I will hold the most is watching him and my Nan dance.  My cousin Kathy got married a year ago Thanksgiving and I have pictures of him and Nan dancing.  There was nothing more amazing than watching this.  Even in his last year of life his dancing was absolutely amazing and they truly inspire me.  
Here are some pictures I took of him less than a year of  him.  

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Labor Day Weekend

Had an amazing weekend at Keji Park.  Since I got home it's been a bit hectic and just able to do this blog now.  The weather was perfect and so was the trip.  Got out for one day just to take pictures with Kyle my sons friend.  Since being home I really haven't had time to go through them but here are two of the pictures I took.  The first one is Eel Weir just at Sunset.  I tried to make it to it earlier but supper was late that day well we eat late every day and this is when I arrived.  Still beautiful.  The second picture is Mills Falls.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Quebec/New Brunswick

I miss the days of summer already and it's only the second day of school.  Here are some pictures from when we randomly drove to Quebec to get a bike for Jim.  Such a beautiful area in Northern New Brunswick and Quebec border.  I'd love to go back even with the 15 hour driving day.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Family pictures

My brother in law is going back home and so we decided to do family pictures.  Here is a couple of my husband and his siblings and my son.  It was a cloudy day but always beautiful at the First Lake Area.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Keji National Park

One of my favorite places to go is Kejimkujik National Park.  I love the nature there and the animals you see.  Its such a beautiful relaxing spot.  We go at least 2 times a year and it's always some of my favorite days of the year.  Here are some of my favorite pictures I've taken there.